Mallory Rat
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Mallory Rat



Rat Paws This recipe is called Chocolate Spiders Rat Paws
It's a Other Ideas
Making this is Easy
Read Mallory's Blog
You will need 1 bar of chocolate
1 small packet of small chocolate chips of a different colour to the chocolate bar.
What to do 1. Break the chocolate into small pieces and place them in a bowl.

2. Heat a pan of water on the stove until the water is hot but not boiling.

3. Gently lower the bowl of chocolate into the pan so that it floats.

4. Leave, stirring occasionally, until all the chocolate has melted.

5. Place either a non-stick tray or a sheet of baking paper on a flat surface.

6. Using a small spoon, scoop a little chocolate from the bowl and drop it onto the tray to form a spiders body.

7. Now drizzle 8 small strings of chocolate out from the spiders body to form its legs.

8. Drop two chocolate chips onto the body as eyes.

9. Allow to cool, then gently lift from the tray.
This is traditional food in Anywhere

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